A Place of Healing, Restoration, and Reconciliation for the "Peter Generation" Mark 16:7
Our Audience
Face2Face Worship Center (F2FWC) is a life-giving, multicultural, non-traditional church where relationships are created, hearts are convicted, lives are converted, and generations are conformed.
We are a church mandated to provide reconciliation, restoration and healing for the “Peter Generation” - Mark 16:7.
You may ask who or what is the “Peter Generation?”
Well, If you've ever felt rejected, alienated or discouraged by your traditional church experience; If you've been called rebel, outcast, or rough around the edges... then F2FWC is the place for you!!!
We celebrate your differences and welcome your fire! Come back and be a part of this “Peter Generation” Church - your fire combined with our fire will consume the world for Christ!!